Jennifer O'Neil

LIFE Virginia

LIFE Fellow from 2008 to 2010, University of Virginia


Dissertation completed in March 2010

Multiple Risk and Positive Factors for Depression in a Low-Income Sample of African American Mothers

(Advisor: Melvin N. Wilson)

Selected Publications

O'Neil, J., Chaison, A. D., Cuellar, A. K., Nguyen, Q. X., Brown, W. L., & Teng, E. J. (2015). Development and implementation of a mentoring program for Veterans Affairs psychology trainees. Training and Education in Professional Psychology, 9, 113–120.

Maercker, A., Gäbler, I., O'Neil, J., Schützwohl, M., & Müller, M. (2013). Long-term trajectories of PTSD or resilience in former East German political prisoners. Torture, 23, 15–27.

O’Neil, J., Wilson, M. N., Shaw, D. S., & Dishion, T. J. (2009). The relationship between parental efficacy and depressive symptoms in a diverse sample of low-income mothers. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 18, 643–652. 10.1007/s10826-009-9265-y

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