Fall Academy 2012
Date: October 15–19, 2012
Location: Wintergreen, Virginia
For invited participants only
Maintained individual data distributed likelihood experiments (MIDDLE)
Steven M. Boker, University of Virginia (UVa)
Social baseline theory and the social regulation of emotion
James A. Coan, UVa
Age-related differences in goal focus
Alexandra M. Freund, University of Zurich (UZh)
Dual and mobile eye tracking: New paradigms for studying the dynamics of teaching and learning
Kevin F. Miller & Kai S. Cortina, University of Michigan (UM)
Changing thinking to reduce anxiety: Implications of a lifespan perspective
Bethany Teachman, UVa
Individual risk attitudes and impatience: Measurement in a large-scale survey, determinants, and behavioral consequences
Gert G. Wagner, German Institute for Economic Research (DIW Berlin)
Summit: Reinventing Lifespan Developmental Science
- Social contexts and adolescent development
Jacquelynne S. Eccles, UM
- The lifespan approach to behavioral and neural development
Ulman Lindenberger, MPI for Human Development, Berlin (MPIB)
- Scattered thoughts on the future of lifespan research
John R. Nesselroade, UVa
- Fragile minds: The paradox of neuropathology and healthy aging
Denise Park, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Fellow Presentations
Infants' processing of movement under occlusion
Cathleen Bache, MPIB (Advisor: Ulman Lindenberger)
The influence of prior knowledge on episodic memory: A developmental neuroscience perspective
Garvin Brod, MPIB (Advisors: Yee Lee Shing & Ulman Lindenberger)
A dietary planning intervention increases fruit consumption in Iranian women
Maryam Gholami, Freie Universität Berlin (FU) (Advisor: Ralf Schwarzer)
Revisiting the relevance of academic language in the assessment of mathematical competence
Nicole Haag, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (HU) (Advisor: Petra Stanat)
Characterizing role of early life trauma in neuroendocrine reactivity among youth: Implications for adolescent depression research
Kate Kuhlman, UM (Advisors: Nestor Lopez-Duran & Sherri Olson)
Class composition, instruction, and educational outcomes: The relevance of the learning environment for achievement and psychosocial development of students with and without an immigrant background
Camilla Rjosk, HU (Advisors: Petra Stanat & Oliver Lüdtke)
Development of self-esteem and self-concepts during the transition from childhood to adolescence
Kathrin Schaffhuser, UZh (Advisor: Mike Martin)
Language competencies and factual knowledge: How do they relate?
Stefan Schipolowski, HU (Advisors: Oliver Wilhelm & Hans Anand Pant)
Considerable differences in late-life trajectories of life satisfaction between East Germany and West Germany
Nina Vogel, HU, DIW (Advisors: Denis Gerstorf & Gert G. Wagner)
Brain plasticity: Timing of training-induced gray matter alterations
Elisabeth Wenger, MPIB (Advisors: Martin Lövdén & Ulman Lindenberger)
Fellow Posters
- Cognitive training in old age: Is multi-domain cognitive training superior to single-domain training?
Julia Binder, UZh (Advisors: Mike Martin & Jacqueline Zöllig)
- Clear skies ahead: Fair weather conditions are associated with relationship status and comfort with intimacy
William J. Chopik, UM (Advisor: Robin Edelstein)
- Confidence and eyewitness identification: Does the type of scale matter?
David Dobolyi, UVa (Advisor: Chad Dodson)
- In the wake of transgressions: What do victim-sensitive individuals do?
Tanja M. Gerlach, formerly HU, now Technical University Darmstadt (Advisor: Jaap Denissen)
- Chronological and implicit ages' relationship to anxiety across the adult lifespan
Jennifer S. Green, UVa (Advisor: Bethany A. Teachman)
- Test-retest reliability of cortical thickness in an older sample
Sarah Hirsiger, UZh (Advisors: Lutz Jäncke & Mike Martin)
- Development of a short preparatory behavior scale for physical activity
Milena Koring, FU (Advisor: Ralf Schwarzer)
- Consider the source: Children’s processing of child and adult explanation of mathematical equivalence
Xingyu Pan, UM (Advisors: Kevin Miller & Priti Shah)
- Electrophysiological correlates of speech-related attention
Katharina Rufener, UZh (Advisor: Martin Meyer)
- Age-related differences in escalation of commitment: No regret or avoidance of future losses?
Josua Schmeitzky, UZh (Advisor: Alexandra M. Freund)
- Ability beliefs are important predictors of math achievement
Maria Ines (Mané) Susperreguy, UM (Advisor: Pamela E. Davis-Kean)