Fall Academy 2017
University of Zurich
Date: October 15–19, 2017
Location: University of Zurich
Organizer: Alexandra M. Freund
For invited participants only.
School Belonging in Different Cultures: The Effects of Individualism and Power Distance
Kai S. Cortina, University of Michigan
Gender Diversity in Leadership: How Social Science Myths Can Undermine Scientific and Societal Progress
Alice Eagly, Northwestern University
Flashbulb Memories and Narrativity from the Point of View of the Structure of Lives
Michael Kubovy, University of Virginia
Bayesian Clustering with Dirichlet Priors in Social Sciences
Timo von Oertzen, MPI for Human Development, Berlin
Tailoring Interventions to Individual Within-Person Processes
Florian Schmiedek, MPI for Human Development, Berlin
Cannabis and Opioid Use in the Early Life-Course: New Insights from the Great Smoky Mountains Study
Lilly Shanahan, University of Zurich
Adaptational Processes: From Stress to Health
Myriam Thoma, University of Zurich
Memory Distinctiveness and the Hippocampus: A Lifespan Perspective
Markus Werkle-Bergner, MPI for Human Development, Berlin
- When Verbs Facility Action-Goals Anticipation - the Role of the Sensorimotor System
Katharina Antognini, University of Zurich (Advisor: Moritz Daum)
- Social Anxiety and Dynamic Social Reinforcement Learning in a Volatile Environment
Miranda Beltzer, University of Virginia (Advisor: Bethany Teachman)
- Grasping Decision-Making Processes as Time Keeps Kicking Away
Tiago Cabaco, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (Advisors: Manuel Völkle, Florian Schmiedek)
- Learning from Apps and Objects: The Human Touch
Sierra Eisen, University of Virginia (Advisor: Angeline Lillard)
- Working Memory Training Effectiveness and the Role of Individual Differences
Sabrina Guye, University of Zurich (Advisors: Mike Martin, Ladina Bezzola, Claudia von Basian)
- Up-Regulation of Positive Emotions in fMRI and Experience Sampling
Johanna Grosse Rüschkamp, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (Advisors: Annette Brose, Arno Villringer, & Michael Gaebler)
- The Influence of Individual Differences in Math Anxiety on Learning Novel Mathematics Content
Amira Ibrahim, University of Michigan (Advisor: Priti Shah)
- Colinergic-limiting Genetic Variant Associated with Cognitive Deficits in Older Adults with Depression
Tiffany Jantz, University of Michigan (Advisors: Patricia Reuter-Lorenz & Cindy Lustig)
- The Role of Daily Contexts in Affective Responding to Uplifts and Hassles
Marko Katana, University of Zurich (Advisors: Christina Röcke, Mike Martin, Lutz Jäncke, & Mathias Allemand)
- How Do Children Change During a Set Shifting Training?
Neda Khosravani, MPI for Human Development (Advisors: Ulman Lindenberger & Yana Fandakova)
- Psychological Factors Associated with Positive Health Outcomes in Older Adults with Experiences of Childhood Adversity
Shauna McGee, University of Zurich (Advisors: Andreas Maercker & Myriam Thoma)
- A Lifespan Approach to the Study of Goal Focus: Theoretical Considerstions
Lea Mörsdorf, University of Zurich (Advisors: Alexander Freund & Moritz Daum)
- Epigenetic and Neural Mechanisms of Social Attention
Megan H. Puglia, University of Virginia (Advisors: Jessica J. Connely & James P. Morris)
- Age Patterns in the Determinants of Wellbeing Across Europe
Julia Rohrer, DIW Berlin (Advisors: Jürgen Schupp & Gert G. Wagner)
- The Developmental Trajectory of Emotion Regulation During the First Year
Paige Safyer, University of Michigan (Advisors: Brenda Volling & Rich Tolman)
- Low-income Parents with College Degrees: Investigating the Relationship Between Parent Gender, Family Characteristics, and Child Development
Lauren Tighe, University of Michigan (Advisors: Pamela Davis-Kean & Toni Antonucci)
- Association Between Action Production, Motor Experience, and Action Perception
Stephanie Wermelinger, University of Zurich (Advisor: Moritz Daum)
- Why Boredom Is Interesting
Erin C. Westgate, University of Virginia (Advisor: Timothy Wilson)
Physical Activity in Coronary Heart Disease Patients: An Intraindividual Dual- Systems Approach to the Theory of Planned Behaviour
Tania Bermudez, University of Zurich (Advisors: Urte Scholz, Andreas Maercker)
Predictors of Physical Activity and Specific Exercises in the Context of Cardiovascular Rehabilitation: Study Design Presentation
Walter Bierbauer, University of Zurich (Advisor: Urte Scholz)
A Multi-Method Approach to Study Cognitive Factors Underlying Selective Learning
Julia Brehm, University of Zurich (Advisor: Moritz Daum)
Indicators of Recovery: Results from the Sport and Relaxation Study
Brian Cardini, University of Zurich (Advisor: Alexandra M. Freund)
Individual Differences Predictors of Verbal Working Memory Plasticity in Younger and Older Adults
Katherine A. Cooke, University of Michigan (Advisor: Patti Reuter-Lorenz, Rachael Seidler)
Who Can Enjoy What They (Have To) Do? The Construction and Validation of the Dispositional Taking Pleasure Scale
Thomas Czikmantori, University of Zurich (Advisor: Veronika Brandstätter, Marie Henneke)
Interaction of SES and Heritability of Cognitive Performance Across Late Childhood/Early Adolescence: A Multivariate, Longitudinal Approach
Evan J. Giangrande, University of Virginia (Advisor: Eric Turkheimer)
Treating Chronic Tinnitus with Neurofeedback
Dominik Güntensperger, University of Zurich (Advisor: Martin Meyer)
Mechanisms of Steeling in Higher Age
Jan Höltge, University of Zürich (Advisors: Andreas Maercker, Myriam Thoma)
Healthy Aging is Associated with Declines in Episodic Memory
Anna Karlsson, MPI for Human Development (Advisor: Myriam Sander)
TrackYourHearing: Assessing Variability in Hearing Loss in Everyday Life
Ira Kurthen, University of Zurich (Advisor: Martin Meyer)
Micro-Longitudinal Real-Life Cognitive Activity Profiles as Outcome Measures in Healthy Aging Research
Minxia Luo, University of Zurich (Advisors: Mike Martin, Burcu Demiray)
Social Network Types Among Children: A Multidimensional Approach
Jasmine Manalel, University of Michigan (Advisors: Toni Antonucci, Jacqui Smith)
Exploring the Relations Between Intentional Self-Regulation, Neighborhood Socioeconomic Status, and Positive Youth Development in Adolescence
Zita Mayer, University of Zurich (Advisor: Alexandra M. Freund)
Surrogate Generation Methods for Testing the Existence of Synchrony Between Multivariate Time Series
Robert Moulder, University of Virginia (Advisor: Steven Boker)
Grass or Gravel: Influences on the Visual Categorization of Naturalistic Structures in Infancy and Early Childhood
Karola Schlegelmilch, MPI for Human Development(Advisor: Annie Wertz)
A Proposed EEG Study on the Effect of Different Levels of Representational Similarity on Memory Performance Across the Lifespan
Verena R. Sommer, MPI for Human Development (Advisor: Myriam Sander)
Young Children Tattle to Enforce Moral Norms
N. Meltem Yucel, University of Virginia (Advisor: Amrisha Vaish)