Spring Academy 2017
Date: May 21-24, 2017
Location: Ann Arbor, University of Michigan
Organizers: Toni C. Antonucci, Patricia A. Reuter-Lorenz, Jacqui Smith
For invited participants only.
Gene-environment interplay and lifespan psychological development
Elliot Tucker-Drob, University of Texas at Austin
- Unspecific blobology or neurophysiology? What can magnetic resonance imaging tell us about brain plasticity?
Arno Villringer, MPI for Human Development
- Psychosocial mechanisms of inequalities in dementia
Laura Zahodne, University of Michigan
- Learning to Move on Earth and in Space
Rachel Seidler, University of Michigan
- Ecological Learning - Adaptive selection of learning strategies across the lifespan.
Azzurra Ruggeri, MPI for Human Development
- Understanding the Bilingual Brain through Child Language and Literacy Development
Ioulia Kovelman, University of Michigan
An eye movement analysis of grocery shopping: Is there a link to the Big Five personality traits?
Damaris Aschwanden, University of Zurich (Advisors: Mathias Allemand & Mike Martin)
Scope of credibility: selective learning across domains
Julia Brehm, University of Zurich (Advisor: Moritz M. Daum)
Indicators of recovery: Results from the fitness and relaxation study
Brian Cardini, University of Zurich (Advisor: Alexandra M. Freund)
Rhythmic neural activity and neuromodulation shape selective attention in healthy aging
Martin Dahl, MPI for Human Development (Advisor: Markus Werkle-Bergner)
Self-perceptions of aging and activity engagement: Linking positive and negative appraisals to behavior
Hannah L. Giasson, University of Michigan (Advisor: Jacqui Smith)
Treating chronic tinnitus with tomographic neurofeedback
Dominik Güntensperger, University of Zurich (Advisor: Martin Meyer)
On the use and usefulness of individual scores in dynamic factor models
Katinka Hardt, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (Advisor: Manuel C. Voelkle)
Social support among older Latina/os in the United States
Elise Hernandez, University of Michigan (Advisors: Jacqui Smith & Toni Antonucci)
Application of an oscillation theory of handwriting to human developmental data
Stefan Hess, MPI for Human Development (Advisor: Sascha Schroeder)
How childhood adversities can lead to beneficial consequences for healthy aging: A qualitative study on former ‘Verdingkinder’
Jan Hoeltge, University of Zurich (Advisor: Andreas Maercker)
Investigating contributions of media use to black American students’ gender beliefs
Morgan Jerald, University of Michigan (Advisors: Elizabeth Cole & Monique Ward)
Linear or not? Domain specific functional relationship between academic achievement and academic self-concepts across 14 countries and two age groups
Lena Keller, Freie Universität Berlin (Advisor: Martin Brunner)
African American patients' attention to health information is influenced by in-group peers in health clinics
Neil Lewis Jr., University of Michigan (Advisors: Denise Sekaquaptewa and Allison Earl)
The course of Adjustment Disorder symptoms following involuntary job loss
Louisa Lorenz, University of Zurich (Advisor: Andreas Maercker)
Getting an education: The long-term influence of childhood social relations
Jasmine Manalel, University of Michigan (Advisors: Toni Antonucci & Jacqui Smith)
Where do you focus on? Finding methods to assess goal focus from early childhood to old age
Lea Mörsdorf, University of Zurich (Advisors: Moritz M. Daum & Alexandra M. Freund)
Regional changes of white matter microstructure in healthy aging: A longitudinal investigation
Jessica Oschwald, University of Zurich (Advisor: Mike Martin)
No second chance to make a first impression? The “Thin-Slice” effect on instructor ratings and learning outcomes in higher education
Inah Park, University of Michigan (Advisors: Kevin Miller & Kai Cortina)
Variability in brain signal complexity in infancy is associated with epigenetic variability of the oxytocinergic system
Meghan Puglia, University of Virginia (Advisor: James P. Morris)
Shifting priorities: The impact of life domains on life satisfaction across the life course
Julia Rohrer, DIW Berlin (Advisors: Jürgen Schupp & Gert G. Wagner)
Exploring the influence of maternal depression on the neural basis of emotion processing, regulation, and the functional organization of the infant brain
Paige Safyer, University of Michigan (Advisor: Patricia Reuter-Lorenz)
The entropic brain: Towards a unifying endophenotype between genes and behavior
Tyler Santander, University of Virginia (Advisor:Chad Dodson)
What qualities make neural representations beneficial for memory and how do they change with age?
Verena R. Sommer, MPI for Human Development (Advisor: Myriam Sander)
Examining implicit and explicit attitudes about mental health treatment across the adult lifespan
Alexandra J. Werntz, University of Virginia (Advisor: Bethany A. Teachman)
Relational permanence: What is it? What are its predictors? Is it correlated with positive outcomes among African American adolescents in foster care?
Abigail Williams, University of Michigan (Advisor: Pamela Davis-Kean)
- Socio-cognitive factors of behaviour change and adjustment disorder: An intensive-longitudinal study with coronary heart disease patients
Tania Bermudez, University of Zurich (Advisors: Urte Scholz & Andreas Maercker)
- Back home = back to normal? Examining cardiac rehabilitation patients’ daily attempts to change their health behaviors after discharge
Walter Bierbauer, University of Zurich (Advisor: Urte Scholz)
- Learning to make economic decisions under perceptual uncertainty
Rasmus Bruckner, Freie Universität Berlin (Advisor: Hauke R. Heekeren)
- The effects of cognitive training on decision making processes.
Tiago Cabaço, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (Advisor: Manuel Völkle)
- Heroes, villains, and everything in between: Children’s assessment of morally ambiguous characters
Sierra Eisen, University of Virginia (Advisor: Angeline Lillard)
- The influence of individual differences in math anxiety on learning novel mathematics content
Amira F. A. Ibrahim, University of Michigan (Advisor: Priti Shah)
- Depression interacts with cholinergic genetic variant to affect cognition in older adults
Tiffany K. Jantz, University of Michigan (Advisor: Cindy Lustig)
- Conflict and support in adolescent romantic relationships as predictors of emerging adult mental health and well-being.
Jessica Kansky, University of Virgina (Advisor: Joe Allen)
- MOASIS: An ambulatory assessment study to measure the dynamics of healthy older adults’ everyday life activities.
Marko Katana, University of Zurich (Advisor: Mike Martin & Lutz Jäncke)
- Speech comprehension in older adulthood: neural contributions to speech processing
Matthias Keller, University of Zurich (Advisor: Martin Meyer)
- Age differences in training of cognitive flexibility in childhood and adolescence
Neda Khosravani, MPI for Human Development (Advisors: Ulman Lindenberger & Yana Fandakova)
- About the specificity of cognitive influence on speech processing in the context of age-related hearing loss
Ira Kurthen, University of Zurich (Advisor: Martin Meyer)
- Exploring dedifferentiation across the lifespan
Claire La Fleur, University of Virginia (Advisor: Chad Dodson & Timothy Salthouse)
- Differential effects of transcranial direct current stimulation on position sense in healthy young and elderly subjects
Toni Muffel, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (Advisor: Arno Villringer)
- Attentional patterns involved in infants’ visual exploration of pointy-shaped objects.
Aleksandra Włodarczyk, MPI for Human Development (Advisor: Annie E. Wertz)