Spring Academy 2018

MPI for Human Development

Date: May 31– June 4, 2018
Location: MPI for Human Development
Organizers: Ulman Lindenberger, Imke Kruse


Igor Grossmann
Wisdom as a meta-cognitive framework for sound judgment: Measurement, ecology and the self


  • Steven M. Boker, University of Virginia
    Multi-timescale models of resiliency across the lifespan
  • Anja Gampe, University of Zurich
    Morality goes culture
  • Tobias Grossmann, University of Virginia
    The developmental origins of human prosociality
  • Moritz M. Daum, University of Zurich
    Eye tracking in early childhood research
  • Ioulia Kovelman, University of Michigan
    Tracking continuity and change in learning to read through bilingual acquisition
  • Thorsten Pachur, MPI for Human Development
    How does attention shape age differences in risky choice?
  • Clemens Tesch-Römer, German Center of Gerontology
    Successful aging: Empty promises of an alluring concept?


  • Tania Bermudez, UZh (Advisors: Urte Scholz, Andreas Maercker)
    Physical activity and adjustment disorder in cardiovascular disease patients: An intensive-longitudinal study
  • Tiago Cabaço, HU (Advisor: Manuel Völke)
    Towards modeling individual differences in cognitive processes using two-choice reaction time tasks.
  • Sierra Eisen, UVa (Advisors: Angeline Lillard, Jamie Jirout)
    The role of play and parents in children’s spatial development
  • Ebru Ger, UZh (Advisor: Moritz M. Daum)
    When do Turkish children acquire inflectional productivity for causatives?
  • Evan J. Giangrande, UVa (Advisor: Eric Turkheimer)
    Gene x SES interaction and age-related increases in the heritability of IQ
  • Zarina Kraal, UM (Advisor: Laura Zahodne)
    Religious involvement may protect against racial/ethnic inequalities in memory aging
  • Ira Kurthen, UZh (Advisors: Moritz M. Daum, Martin Meyer)
    Speech comprehension in older adults: Limited by neuronal capacity to process prosodic cues?
  • Zita Mayer, UZh (Advisor: Alexandra M. Freund)
    Antecedents and consequences of goal shelving
  • Robert Moulder, UVa (Advisor: Steven M. Boker)
    Structural equation modeling for the estimation of multivariate latent Lyapunov exponents
  • Toni Muffel, HU (Advisor: Arno Villringer)
    Differential effects of transcranial direct current stimulation
  • Meghan Puglia, UVa (Advisor: James P. Morris, Jessica Connelly)
    Epigenetic and neural correlates of social attention across the lifespan
  • Karola Schlegelmilch, MPIB (Advisor: Annie E. Wertz)
    Visual properties relevant for the classification of naturalistic structures in children and adults
  • Larissa Stuber, UZh (Advisor: Moritz M. Daum)
    Understanding of causality in Turkish and Swiss toddlers – Does causal language help young children understand untypical causal events?
  • Jessica Taggart, UVa (Advisor: Angeline S. Lillard)
    Children prefer real activities to their pretend alternatives
  • Alexandra J. Werntz, UVa (Advisor: Bethany Teachman)
    Experimental examination of message framing to increase dissemination of evidence-based anxiety treatments
  • Meltem Yucel, UVa (Advisors: Amrisha Vaish, Gerald Clore)
    Norms with affect: Children and adults show greater affective arousal to moral than conventional transgressions


  • Miranda L. Beltzer, UVa (Advisor: Bethany Teachman)
    Perceived dangerousness of persons with mental illness changes in the wake of mass shootings
  • Julia Brehm, UZh (Advisor: Moritz M. Daum)
    Processes of learning from competent and incompetent models
  • Peter Felsman, UM (Advisors: Joseph A. Himle, Colleen Seifert)
    Improvisation promotes tolerance for uncertainty and cognitive flexibility
  • Katinka Hardt, HU (Advisor: Manuel Völkle)
    On the use and usefulness of individual scores in dynamic factor models in case of misspecified models
  • Laura Jagoda, UZh (Advisor: Martin Meyer)
    Effects of cochlear implants on speech lateralisation in adult patients with single-sided deafness
  • Marko Katana, UZh (Advisors: Mike Martin, Lutz Jäncke)
    What are meaningful features of continuous accelerometer data?
  • Shauna McGee, UZh (Advisors: Andreas Maercker, Myriam Thoma)
    Sense of coherence and stress-related resilience: Examining the role of sense of coherence in the health of older adults with varying experiences of stress and adversity
  • Tabea Meier, UZh (Advisor: Mike Martin)
    Capturing health through natural word use: A narrative-based online study on healthy aging
  • Lea Mörsdorf, UZh (Advisors: Moritz M. Daum, Alexandra M. Freund)
    A lifespan approach to the study of goal focus: First findings
  • Pia Neuschwander, UZh (Advisor: Martin Meyer)
    Behavioural and neural signature of speech intelligibility in hearing aid users
  • Julia Rohrer, DIW (Advisor: Gert G. Wagner)
    Evaluating the role of importance weighting for global life satisfaction judgments
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