Lauren A. Tighe

LIFE Michigan

LIFE Fellow from 2017 to 2019, University of Michigan


Dissertation completed in April 2019

The Income Trajectories of College-Educated Families Living In or Near Poverty: Assessing Predictors and Outcomes in Two National Datasets

(Advisors: Pamela Davis-Kean & Larry Gant)

Selected Publications

Tighe, L. A., & Davis-Kean, P. E. (2024). Economic hardship trajectories of college-educated families living in or near poverty: Assessing predictors and outcomes. Family Relations, 73(2), 1201–1218.

Birditt, K. S., Tighe, L. A., Nevitt, M. R., & Zarit, S. H. (2018). Daily social interactions and the biological stress response: Are there age differences in links between social interactions and alpha-amylase? The Gerontologist, 58, 1114–1125.

Tighe, L. A., Birditt, K. S., & Antonucci, T. C. (2016). Intergenerational ambivalence from adolescence to young adulthood: Implications for well-being. Developmental Psychology, 52, 824–834.

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