Regula Adams (née Lehmann)

LIFE Zurich

LIFE Fellow from 2009 to 2011, University of Zurich

Dr. phil.

Dissertation completed in October 2011

The Nature of Personality Development Across Middle Adulthood

(Advisors: Mike Martin & Mathias Allemand)

Selected Publications

Allemand, M., Hill, P. L., & Lehmann, R. (2015). Divorce and personality development across middle adulthood. Personal Relationships, 22(1), 122-137.

Lehmann, R., Denissen, J. J. A., Allemand, M., & Penke, L. (2013). Age and gender differences in motivational manifestations of the Big Five from age 16 to 60. Developmental Psychology, 49, 365–383.

Lehmann, R., Allemand, M., Zimprich, D., & Martin, M. (2010). Persönlichkeitsentwicklung im mittleren Erwachsenenalter [Personality development in middle adulthood]. Zeitschrift für Entwicklungspsychologie und Pädagogische Psychologie, 42, 79–89.
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