International Max Planck Research School on the Life Course
Research Stays at UZH
Contact Zurich faculty you would like to work with by mail and make use of academies to start long-term planning of your visit
Contact Silke Schäfer for advice and information as soon as you begin making your plans (at least six months before your trip)
After the approval of both home and hosting sites, please organize travel and/or visa formalities yourself
To save on travel costs (that are not covered by LIFE Zurich), try to link your stay to an academy in Europe
Check visa requirements for Switzerland!
Find an apartment or room in Zurich
Unfortunately, LIFE Zurich does not have funding to cover the costs of your stay or travel. However, it may be the case that individual faculty is able to cover parts of the costs through a grant. You need to talk to the faculty with whom you want to stay about such possibilies.
Please make sure that your health insurance covers your stay in Switzerland
Again, getting in touch with the fellow speakers is a good way to get practical advice!
Visiting fellows are welcome to participate in the guest speaker series and colloquia in the UZH program of Developmental, Neuro- and Cognitive Psychology.