Spring Academy 2010
Date: May 14–17, 2010
Location: University of Virginia, Charlottesville
Doubletree Hotel
Becoming symbol-minded
Judy DeLoache, UVa
The risky business of risk prediction in psychopathology: A century of evil vs. good
Irving I. Gottesman, University of Minnesota
Stability as an outcome variable in developmental research: Why don’t we use it more often?
Mike Martin, UZh
Can standard behavior genetics be made subject-specific? Discussion of some new developments in psychometrics, epigenetics and their implications for estimating heritabilities
Peter Molenaar, Pennsylvania State University
The multidimensional nature of late-life decline: Insights obtained through the interplay of theory and methods
Nilam Ram, University of Pennsylvania
I think therefore I panic: Understanding cognitive processing in anxiety disorders from a developmental perspective
Bethany Teachman, UVa
- Structural equation modeling with OpenMx
Steven Boker, UVa
Fellow Presentations
Maternal distress and children’s effortful control and externalizing behavior problems
Daniel Choe, UM
Delay of gratification in old age
Reinhard Drobetz, UZh
Measuring what's changing: Redesigning measurement models with derivative-transformed data
Ryne Estabrook, UVa
Reasoning about social conflicts improves into old age
Igor Grossmann, UM
Staying on and getting back on the wagon: Age-related differences in self-regulation during a low-calorie diet
Marie Hennecke, UZh
Changes in mathematics achievement
Gizem Hülür, HU
Signal and noise in the human brain
Fivos Iliopoulos, Berlin Neuroimaging Center
The implications of yoga practice for early adolescents’ social-emotional and cognitive functioning
Leah Kokinakis, UM
Effects of informants’ traits on children’s trust in testimony
Jonathan Lane, UM
Mistaking change in the self for change in the world as a basis for age bias
Nicole Lindner, UVa
Improvement for the younger, maintenance for the older: Two sides of the same coin?
Maida Mustafic, UZh
New technologies of the self
Jesse Pappas, UVa
Age-related changes in cortical processing during multiple-object tracking
Viola Störmer, Max Planck Insitute for Human Development (MPIB)
Who lived happily thereafter? Subjective well-being and mortality in the second half of life
Maja Wiest, DZA
Fellow Posters
- Is loss aversion robust across domains and goal orientations?
Miriam Depping, UZh
- How do the deaf read? A dual-route cascaded (DRC) model of reading without sounds
Eeva Elliott, FU
- Age-related differences in the ability to monitor currently relevant memories
Yana Fandakova, MPIB
- The impact of social resources and motivational abilities on cognitive decline and risk of Alzheimer's disease
Sonja Fankhauser, UZh
- Social support reciprocity and mothers' occupational self-efficacy beliefs during job re-entry
Dalit Jäckel, UZh
- Relationship events predict individual differences in personality changes in middle adulthood
Regula Lehmann, UZh
- Correlated change in subjective memory complaints and actual memory performance across 12 years
Anna Mascherek, UZh
- ERP-analyses of executing delayed intentions: a lifespan perspective
Florentina Mattli, UZh
- Midlife motivational abilities: a moderator for apathy but not depression
Moyra E. Mortby, UZh
- What is learned in serial learning: The role of position codes
Nicolas Schuck, HU
- Labor market exclusion and social integration on the micro-level: How unemployment and gradual labor market exclusion affect societal participation
Bettina Sonnenberg, DIW
- Understanding ostracism by taking a social-network and multi-level perspective
Ralf Wölfer, FU