Spring Academy 2010

Date: May 14–17, 2010
Location: University of Virginia, Charlottesville
Doubletree Hotel


  • Becoming symbol-minded
    Judy DeLoache, UVa
  • The risky business of risk prediction in psychopathology: A century of evil vs. good
    Irving I. Gottesman, University of Minnesota
  • Stability as an outcome variable in developmental research: Why don’t we use it more often?
    Mike Martin, UZh
  • Can standard behavior genetics be made subject-specific? Discussion of some new developments in psychometrics, epigenetics and their implications for estimating heritabilities
    Peter Molenaar, Pennsylvania State University
  • The multidimensional nature of late-life decline: Insights obtained through the interplay of theory and methods
    Nilam Ram, University of Pennsylvania
  • I think therefore I panic: Understanding cognitive processing in anxiety disorders from a developmental perspective
    Bethany Teachman, UVa


  • Structural equation modeling with OpenMx
    Steven Boker, UVa

Fellow Presentations

  • Maternal distress and children’s effortful control and externalizing behavior problems
    Daniel Choe, UM
  • Delay of gratification in old age
    Reinhard Drobetz, UZh
  • Measuring what's changing: Redesigning measurement models with derivative-transformed data
    Ryne Estabrook, UVa
  • Reasoning about social conflicts improves into old age
    Igor Grossmann, UM
  • Staying on and getting back on the wagon: Age-related differences in self-regulation during a low-calorie diet
    Marie Hennecke, UZh
  • Changes in mathematics achievement
    Gizem Hülür, HU
  • Signal and noise in the human brain
    Fivos Iliopoulos, Berlin Neuroimaging Center
  • The implications of yoga practice for early adolescents’ social-emotional and cognitive functioning
    Leah Kokinakis, UM
  • Effects of informants’ traits on children’s trust in testimony
    Jonathan Lane, UM
  • Mistaking change in the self for change in the world as a basis for age bias
    Nicole Lindner, UVa
  • Improvement for the younger, maintenance for the older: Two sides of the same coin?
    Maida Mustafic, UZh
  • New technologies of the self
    Jesse Pappas, UVa
  • Age-related changes in cortical processing during multiple-object tracking
    Viola Störmer, Max Planck Insitute for Human Development (MPIB)
  • Who lived happily thereafter? Subjective well-being and mortality in the second half of life
    Maja Wiest, DZA

Fellow Posters

  • Is loss aversion robust across domains and goal orientations?
    Miriam Depping, UZh
  • How do the deaf read? A dual-route cascaded (DRC) model of reading without sounds
    Eeva Elliott, FU
  • Age-related differences in the ability to monitor currently relevant memories
    Yana Fandakova, MPIB
  • The impact of social resources and motivational abilities on cognitive decline and risk of Alzheimer's disease
    Sonja Fankhauser, UZh
  • Social support reciprocity and mothers' occupational self-efficacy beliefs during job re-entry
    Dalit Jäckel, UZh
  • Relationship events predict individual differences in personality changes in middle adulthood
    Regula Lehmann, UZh
  • Correlated change in subjective memory complaints and actual memory performance across 12 years
    Anna Mascherek, UZh
  • ERP-analyses of executing delayed intentions: a lifespan perspective
    Florentina Mattli, UZh
  • Midlife motivational abilities: a moderator for apathy but not depression
    Moyra E. Mortby, UZh
  • What is learned in serial learning: The role of position codes
    Nicolas Schuck, HU
  • Labor market exclusion and social integration on the micro-level: How unemployment and gradual labor market exclusion affect societal participation
    Bettina Sonnenberg, DIW
  • Understanding ostracism by taking a social-network and multi-level perspective
    Ralf Wölfer, FU
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