Fall Academy 2018

University of Virginia

Date: October 12-15, 2018
Location: University of Virginia, Charlottesville
Organizer: Steven M. Boker


  • Pamela Davis-Kean, University of Michigan
    The role of self concept of ability in understanding achievement across development
  • Michael Eid, Freie Universität Berlin
    Bifactor models for predicting criteria by general and specific factors: Problems and alternatives
  • Hudson Golino, University of Virginia
    Estimation, replicability and falsifiability of latent factors using exploratory graph analysis
  • Brian Nosek, University of Virginia
    Shifting incentives from getting it published to getting it right
  • Per B. Sederberg, University of Virginia
    Tracking neuro capacity with an experiment and modeling ecosystem
  • Amrisha Vaish, University of Virginia
    Social emotions and their prosocial functions in early development


  • Miranda Beltzer, UVA (Advisor: Bethany Teachman)
    Applying reinforcement learning to understand personalized, contextual effectiveness of emotion regulation strategies
  • Tania Bermudez, UZH (Advisors: Urte Scholz, Andreas Maercker)
    Adjustment disorder in cardiovascular disease patients: An intensive-longitudinal study
  • Walter Bierbauer, UZH (Advisor: Urte Scholz)
    Robot-assisted therapy in chronic stroke patients: A feasibility study looking at adherence to at-home treatment recommendations
  • Julia Brehm, UZH (Advisors: Anja Gampe, Moritz M. Daum)
    Influence of model competency on memory and attention during word learning
  • Tiago Cabaço, HU (Advisor: Manuel Völkle)
    Towards modeling change in cognitive processes using the COGITO study data
  • Brian B. Cardini, UZH (Advisor: Alexandra M. Freund)
    Age-differential effects of opportunity costs on exhaustion and recovery
  • Todd Chan, UM (Advisor: Oscar Ybarra)
    God has a bigger plan for people without friends: Religion as purpose for the socially disconnected
  • Ebru Ger, UZH (Advisor: Moritz Daum)
    Mapping sentences to causal events in Turkish and Swiss-German
  • Laura Jagoda, UZH (Advisor: Martin Meyer)
    Making use of the longitudinal nature of an event-related EEG design to investigate tinnitus
  • Ann-Kathrin Joechner, MPIB (Advisor: Markus Werkle-Bergner)
    Spotlight on the sleeping brain! The role of sleep in memory consolidation across childhood
  • Angela Jones, MPIB (Advisor: Azzurra Ruggeri)
    Learning: Effectiveness or memory?
  • Jessica Kansky, UVA (Advisor: Joe Allen)
    Fighting fair with parents and peers: Differential impacts of conflict negotiation processes on adolescent sexual and romantic relationship experiences
  • Anna Karlsson, MPIB (Advisor: Myriam Sander)
    Age differences in the contextualization of memories
  • Marko Katana, UZH (Advisors: Mike Martin, Lutz Jäncke)
    Short-term variability of future time perspective in everyday life
  • Caroline M. Kelsey, UVA (Advisor: Tobias Grossmann)
    Infants’ brain responses to pupillary changes in others are affected by race
  • Christoph Koch, MPIB (Advisor: Nicolas Schuck)
    How age shapes neural representations: fMRI evidence for broader tuning functions in older adults
  • Mario Lawes, FU (Advisor: Michael Eid)
    Factor score estimation in multi-method planned missing data designs
  • Zita Mayer, UZH (Advisor: Alexandra M. Freund)
    Take a break from your goals? Antecedents and consequences of goal shelving
  • Jessica Mazen, UVA (Advisor: Cynthia Tong)
    Bias correction for replacement samples in longitudinal research
  • Shauna L. Mc Gee, UZH (Advisors: Andreas Maercker, Myriam V. Thoma)
    Factors associated with adversity-related positive development: Resilience in Irish adult survivors of childhood institutional abuse
  • Tabea Meier, UZH (Advisors: Mike Martin, Andrea B. Horn)
    Lost in translation? How gender is expressed through language and how this affects audience evaluations in TED talks – A study protocol
  • Lea Mörsdorf, UZH (Advisors: Alexandra M. Freund, Moritz M. Daum)
    Is it about the "how" or "why" of goal pursuit? A study on goal focus across the entire lifespan
  • Robert Moulder, UVA (Advisor: Steven M. Boker)
    Tangle: Defining a new measure of time series complexity
  • Pia Neuschwander, UZH (Advisor: Martin Meyer)
    Speech intelligibility in noise: Influence of hearing abilities, cognition, and brain structure
  • Sophie Potter, HU (Advisor: Denis Gerstorf)
    Well-being trajectories in old age and health: The role of optimism and personality
  • Connair Russell, MPIB (Advisor: Annie Wertz)
    Selective associations: Edibility and distaste in plant vs non-plant objects
  • Larissa Stuber, UZH (Advisor: Moritz Daum)
    The influence of language on young children‘s understanding of causal relations
  • Lauren Tighe, UM (Advisors: Pamela Davis-Kean, Toni Antonucci)
    Low-income yet highly-educated: Trajectory and achievement differences in children from low-income, highly-educated families
  • Sean Womack, UVA (Advisor: Mel Wilson)
    Trajectories of family instability and disruptive behaviors across early childhood: A longitudinal prospective study of at-risk families
  • Meltem Yucel, UVA (Advisors: Amrisha Vaish, Gerald Clore)
    Sentimental norms: Children and adults show greater physiological arousal to moral than conventional transgressions
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