October 16, 2022
9.30 – 10.20 | Introduction of Speaker: Maike Hille, MPIB Guest Lecture: Reproducible Research in R: A Talk on How to Do the Same Thing More Than Once Aaron Peikert, MPIB Discussion Opening from LIFE Perspective: Charles Driver
10.20 – 11.30 | Round Tables on Methods Click here to see list of Round Tables
11.30 – 12.20 | Introduction of Speaker: Muna Aikins, MPIB Lecture 7: The Psychological Correlates of Hormonal Contraceptive Use: General Trends and Individual Differences from Puberty to Menopause Adriene Beltz, UM Discussion Opening from LIFE Perspective: Ulman Lindenberger
12.20 – 13.15 | Lunch
13.15 – 14.35 | Dissertation Research Talks |
| Should Hanpei Refuse the Gift? Intercultural Children's Reactions to Norm Decisions and Violations Natascha Helbling, UZH (Advisor: Moritz Daum) Discussion Moderator: Adriene Beltz
| Development of Critical Thinking: Does College Really Matter? Blake Ebright, UM (Advisor: Kai Cortina) Discussion Moderator: Laurel Raffington
14.35 – 15.10
| Individual Meetings & Coffee Break
15.10 – 16.00
| Introduction of Speaker: Claire Pauley, MPIB Lecture 8: Can a Metaphor Be Racist? The Concept of Classroom Climate and its Common Operationalization Seen Through a Critical Lens Kai Cortina, UM Discussion Opening from LIFE Perspective: Sebastian Horn
16.00 – 16.10 | Closing Remarks Ulman Lindenberger, MPIB
16.10 – 17.00 | Fellows’ Closed Session
| Optional Dinner, Harnack House