LIFE Seminar: Winter Semester 2011/12
Defining, Assessing, and Predicting Educational Achievement
Organizers: Dirk Richter, Petra Stanat, & Hans Anand Pant
Institut zur Qualitätsentwicklung im Bildungswesen (IQB), Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (HU)
Foundations of Educational Assessment
The Evolution of Educational Achievement Testing in Germany and the Establishment of Educational Standards
Hans Anand Pant, IQB
Development as Dependent on Social and Ethnic Origin: How to Get Things Right
Jürgen Baumert, Max Planck Institute for Human Development (MPIB)
Item-Response Theory: The Rasch Model
Dirk Richter, IQB
The Process of Item and Test Development in Educational Achievement Testing
Katrin Böhme, IQB
Trajectories and Determinants of Educational Achievement
Development of Cognitive Competencies and Educational Achievement
Florian Schmiedek, Deutsches Institut für Internationale Pädagogische Forschung & MPIB
Gender Differences in Educational Achievement
Martin Brunner, Universität Luxemburg
The Role of Students' Socio-Cultural Background for Educational Achievement
Petra Stanat, IQB
Educational Achievement of Gifted Children
Miriam Vock, Universität Potsdam
Schools as Differential Contexts for Student Development
Marko Neumann, Universität Potsdam
The Impact of Teachers' Professional Competence and Instructional Quality on Educational Achievement
Mareike Kunter, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main
Achievement and Educational Transitions
The Transition from Elementary to Secondary School
Cornelia Gresch, Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung (WZB)
The Transition from Secondary School to University
Rainer Watermann, Freie Universität Berlin
Methodological Aspects
Multilevel Modeling: Cross-Sectional Designs
Oliver Lüdtke, HU
Multilevel Modeling: Longitudinal Designs
Michael Becker, Universität Potsdam
Summary and Closure of the Seminar
Petra Stanat, Hans Anand Pant, & Dirk Richter, IQB