Summer 2020
Open Lecture Series of June to August 2020
The LIFE Theory Lab: Contemporary theorizing, methodological advancements, and future challenges for lifespan developmental science
The LIFE Theory Lab 2020 is a series of 10 lectures promoting an open science virtual exchange on conceptual and methodological advances in the study of behavioral development. The Theory Lab gave leading researchers a platform to share their views on the ways in which the “dance” between theory and method (Nesselroade, 1988, cited in Nesselroade, 2006) has informed their own work, and has fostered scientific progress. Recent advances in evolutionary theory, genetics, imaging methods, behavioral observation, statistical tools, formal modeling, and machine learning provide unprecedented opportunities for describing, understanding, and ameliorating individual developmental change across the lifespan. Lifespan psychology has sought to provide a conceptual framework for capturing the overall architecture of human ontogeny (Baltes, 1997). Time has come to revisit this framework in the light of these recent advances, and gauge its function for structuring our knowledge about invariant and malleable aspects of human ontogeny.
LIFE Theory Lab 2020
Online lecture series
Organizer: Ulman Lindenberger, Markus Werkle-Bergner
June 04, 2020
Tomás Ryan (Trinity College Dublin)
“Memory and Instinct as a Continuum of Information Storage” (password protected)
Eric Turkheimer (University of Virginia)
„Gene–Environment Interplay“
Lars Nyberg (Umea University)
„Lifespan Maintenance of Brain and Cognition: Fiction or Science?“
Gerd Kempermann (Center for Regenerative Therapies Dresden)
„Adult Neurogenesis and the Neurobiology of Individuality“
Danielle Bassett (University of Pennsylvania)
„Network Architectures Supporting Learnability“
Iyad Rahwan (Max Planck Institute for Human Development)
„Experiments in Machine Behavior: Cooperating With and Through Machines“
July 30, 2020
Ellen L. Hamaker (Utrecht University)
„Choices in Design and Analysis to Study Change“
August 6, 2020
Ulman Lindenberger (Max Planck Institute for Human Development)
„Why We Need a Lifespan Approach to Developmental Change“
LIFE Introductory Workshop 2020
Please find the agenda here.